of the Week

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Headteacher's most recent letter 19/July


Monday 15/07/24

  • A visit by a rally car and a presentation by Rali Ceredigion
  • Oracy skills workshop for Year 6

Tuesday 16/07/24

  • Year 1&2 trip to Quackers
  • Yr.4 cricket team session at y Geufron


Wednesday 17/07/24

  • Open Afternoon in the Meithrin for new pupils beginning in September


Thursday 18/07/24


Friday 19/07/24

  • Year 6 farewell Assembly + Yr.6 party during the afternoon



News : July 2012


For the first time in several years, we were unable to hold the School Sports Day. Although the school had arranged 5 different dates hoping that at least one of those days would remain dry, it rained throughout. However, on the last Thursday of term we managed to hold the main race with pupils from Years 1-6 out on the field competing enthusiastically against each other.

We mangaed also to hold the short and long races, the long and high jump, as well as ball throwing. This meant we were able to add the scores of various individuals and team events to see which House was this year's Sports Day winners.

And here they are, Steffan and Lily, Dewi House captains receiving the trophy for the 2012 Sports Day.

Here are the pupils who won various awards for their achievements in Sports this year. Congratulations to Dwynwen for winning the Cross Country trophy; to Maeve and Lisa for winning the Best Swimmer Award; to Ben for winning the Highest Goal Scorer as well as the Most Influential Player Award; to Evan on winning the Best Rugby Player; to Evan and Rhys on sharing the Victor Ludorum in this year's Sports Day activities; and to Mary on winning the Victrix Ludorum. Well done all of you!



Following one of the wettest summers on record, the time came to try and sell the various vegetables from the school garden. During the past months the classes have been working hard growing everything form carrots to courgettes, with the aim of selling them to the public at the end of term. In the photo you'll see a gang of year 5 pupils preparing to sell two barrowfuls of onions!
Many thanks to Mr Ifor Davies for keeping the garden looking its best at all times.



Many pupils were successful in the Art and Craft section of the Aberystwyth Show this year. Althought he show itself was cancelled due to bad weather, they continued to adjudicate the art and craft entries, with nine children from the school successful in various competitions. Here are the results:
1st : Lena Evans : Animal drawing
1st : Luned Jones : Clay flower
2nd : Martha Meredith : Clay floweri
3rd : Gwion Hefin : Clay flower
1st : Tomos Afan : Stone painting
2nd : Sam Davies : Stone painting
3rd : Demi Lee : Stone painting
2nd : Gwennan Loosley : Rainbow draw
3rd : Brychan Davies : Rainbow drawing



Congratulations to all Year 6 pupils who managed to pass their Cycling Proficiency test recently. After many weeks of practising and learning the Highway Code, they were ready for the test! To celebrate their success a cycle ride was organised, following the cycle trail to Llanbadarn Fawr and back along the Promenade, stopping for an ice cream at the Hut. A very enjoyable trip!



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"On the 17th of July as part of our design and technology work year 4 made bread. Everyone got a chance to make a roll with Mrs Gould’s help. Everybody brought a filling to put in their rolls. The most popular filling was cheese. This is the recipe to make 12 rolls : Firstly measure 275 ml of warm water in a jug. Then put 1 tea spoon of sugar in the water and mix. Add 2 tea spoons of yeast and mix. Weigh 450g of white flour and add 2 tea spoons of salt. Pour the water in to the  mixture and mix to make dough. Kneed the dough for 5  minutes. Leave in a warm place to double in size. Cook at a temperature of 230 C for 20 minutes. They were very tasty!
Rhianedd, Class 4J



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On Wednesday, the Reception Class spent a very enjoyable morning at ‘Play Planet’ in Llandre and then travelled to Ynyslas where they had fun building sand castles.  The children enjoyed a well deserved ice cream on the beach. Everyone arrived back in school feeling tired after an energetic day.



Today the author Manon Steffan Ros came to school to hold a writing workshop with Year 6. After discussing how she goes about creating characters for her books, Manon asked us to create two contrasting characters – first of all a ‘good’ character and then an arch enemy for that character. We had a lot of fun creating weird and wonderful characters and sharing our ideas with each other. Following this, some pupils who had read Manon’s novel ‘Prism’, which recently won the Tir na n’Og award, had the opportunity to discuss the novel with her.
Beca ac Eluned, Dosbarth 6Ll



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We went on our school trip to The Woollen Mill in Drefach Felindre. We had a brilliant time because we saw many interesting things including how they make blankets. We then made some felt and we were allowed to keep this. We then went on to Teifi Mania in Cardigan where we had the opportunity to have some fun. We had a lollipop before returning to school.
Class 3D



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On the 6th of July 2012, year 4 went on a school trip to Ynys Hir. Ynys Hir is a nature reserve which looks after animals, plants and insects. Throughout the day we had the chance to search for insects and animals in the woods and my favourite activity was using nets to catch little creatures in the pond. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves even though we were absolutely soaking wet. After lunch in the cabin we all got back onto the bus and went to Machynlleth for a fun session in the Swimming pool.
Lisa and Mali, Year 4



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To commemorate the day Angharad would have turned 15 the School Council organised a fun day with events Angharad herself would have loved to be part of! Many thanks to all who donated £1 for dressing up as their favourite book character as well as taking part in the fun games held in the afternoon; also for buying the lovely cakes for 20p each - the money will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity, with staff members, friends of the school and members of Angharad's family cycling to London in August.
To read more about the trip click here

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We raised £609.46 today!!
Thank you very much
from the School Council



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Year 6 pupils spent a very enjoyable afternoon on Thursday cooking at Ysgol Penweddig. As part of our History work this term we have been learning about the Second World War, and about food rationing in particular. The challenge for the pupils was to follow recipes from the period in order to create cakes and biscuits. Everyone worked very hard, and the finished products were very tasty. We obviously have a number of talented chefs in Year 6! Thank you to Mrs Menna Lewis and Mrs Griffiths of Ysgol Penweddig for their welcome and assistance. 



Many thanks to Newmans Garden Centre for their generosity in donating hundreds of pounds worth of flowers and plants to the school recently. The area by the main reception along with the Meithrin is now full of colour and beautiful scents! And as you can see, the Nursery children are thrilled with the new plants!



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One of the tasks in the Year 6 Transition Pack this year was to create a recipe and bilingual business plan for a Healthy Ice Lolly. As you can imagine we had a lot o fun experimenting with various tastes and colours! Following a long day yesterday blending the fruits, pouring them into moulds and freezing them, today we placed stalls on the playground and sold them to the rest of the school - and yes, they were very popular with endless queues of eager children wanting to buy a lolly! Among the names of the lollies were "Lolis Lysh" and "Banango!" (banana and mango!) But which group's business plan will show the most profit?



Despite the rain a large crowd of parents and friends of the school came to the annual PTA barbeque. Many thanks to Mr Aled Morgan the Butcher for yet again supplying the roast meat this year, and to the parents for their continued help with the barbeque itself. Entertainment came in the form of a young band under the watchful eye of Mr Alan Phillips - thanks to them. And many thanks of course to all the parents, friends, staff, pupils (and ex-pupils) for showing their support in spite of the weather - it is very much appreciated.



"This morning Mrs Delyth Huws from the Town Library came to visit us in school to promote an exciting event which will be held at the Library over the summer holidays. A total of six stickers and collectable prizes are up for grabs for those who visit the library and borrow books. So, the more you visit and borrow books, the more prizes you will receive! As you know, the library has moved to a new location, with an excellent children's section. It's great - make good use of it!"
Carys and Elinor, Class 6J



Congratulations to the Eco Committee on winning the Welsh Platinum award for Eco- Schools. Ysgol Gymraeg is the third school in Ceredigion to win this prize. The prize is to recognise the whole school effort in working towards a sustainable way of life and also to recognise the Eco-Schools process that has been rooted in all parts of school life. The school has been a part of the Eco-Schools programme since 2005.
Congratulations to all.



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On Wednesday the Nursery children who attend school all day and for the morning session went to Play Planet in Llandre. We left school in the big yellow bus and so the fun began! On arriving at Play Planet, the children had fun racing down the big and small slides, darting from one obstacle to another and climbing nets and slopes. This was very tiring work and at last it was time for a break. Everyone enjoyed the orange and red juice and chocolate biscuits before returning for more fun! Then, came the sound of the horn from the big yellow bus and it was time to leave Play Planet for another year!



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Year 6 pupisl have been fortunate again this year to receive cycling proficiency lessons during the summer term. In order to prepare them and teach them to be safe on the roads, Mr Terry Jones and Miss Catrin Jones have been visiting the school every week in order to give lessons to the children. The lessons will end with a practical and written test, where pupils will need to show competent skills when riding and have a good knowledge of the highway code. Best of luck to them all, and thank you to both instructors for their time and patience with the pupils.



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"I and the rest of years 5 and 6 had lots of fun at the Urdd residential centre in Cardiff. On the first day we enjoyed a tour of the Millenium Stadium, then went to the Swimming pool down the Bay before arriving at the centre to unpack. After supper we went ten pin bowling! On the second day we visited Techniquest, had a tour of the Welsh Assembly and the Millenium Centre where we saw a dance production perform. We also had a trip on a boat and a train. On the second evening we watched a DVD of the Muppets at the centre. On the third day we went to Big Pit. It was unreal! We went underground in a lift and had a tour with an ex coal miner. Many thanks to the school staff and centre staff for making the trip a memorable one!"
Seren, Class 6J



On Monday Tomi Turner came to school to talk to Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils. Tomi works occasionally for the RNLI, and he taught us about the importance of keeping safe on the beach and in the sea. We had the opportunity to see the equipment used by RNLI members when saving people who’ve gone into difficulty, and a few of us got to try on a lifeguard’s outfit! Many thanks to Tomi for a fun and interesting morning and for teaching us many important messages as we approach the summer holidays.

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