of the Week
The Early Bird Club is
open daily from 08:15
► News
► Letters
► Calendar
► Headteacher's most recent letter 07/Mar
Monday 10/03/25
Tuesday 11/03/25
- School Orchestra 8:45am
- Yrs.5&6 visit the University's Science Fair
- Football training for yrs.5&6 3:30-4:30pm
Wednesday 12/03/25
- Whole school assembly
- Urdd Club will continue in the Summer term
- Football training for yrs.3&4 3:30-4:30pm
- Cân Actol rehearsal
3:30 - 4:45pm
Thursday 13/03/25
- Swimming for yrs.4&6
- School nurses screen Reception pupils
Friday 14/03/25
- Film Night with the PTA (details on ParentPay) also in the Headteacher's Letter
Contact Us
To contact Ceri Bennett in order to make an appointment to visit the school, or to give or receive information about your child, please use the e-mail address shown below |
To contact Gareth James in order to comment on the website/draw his attention to faults, please use the e-mail address shown below |
Address & Telephone |
Yr Ysgol Gymraeg, Plascrug Avenue, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. SY23 1HL Tel : 01970 617613 | Fax : 01970 636742 |
School Location